“This Is Not A Parking Lot,” spring 2021
an online archive of experiences and stories involving parking lots; friends and family submit stories of them doing and experiencing things in parking lots as they have grown up as well as photo references of these moments, the website is not currently active but a screen recording of the website is linked above
“Farsi,” fall 2020
a visual guide and history of the Iranian native language, Farsi, this site explores characters, persian etymology, graphic design, and more
Collaborators: Natalie Iman, Jaya Matteis
“Chunk’s Deli,” spring 2020
a collaborative type project combining 4 fictional characters into a short narrative utilizing individualized typefaces; condensed into a cargo website with navagational panels to character bios and our short story, this site is no longer active but a screen recording of the work is linked above
(click the sparkles to return to home page)